How do I make 1 million dollars?
Don’t answer that. It’s a rhetorical question.
I’ve always dreamt of retiring by age 30, just three years from now. For me, retirement means having a million dollars in liquid assets. So, how close am I to this dream? Well, if you must know, I don’t even have 0.1% of that.
“You must be joking, right?” Go ahead, give me the odds. I’m afraid you might be right.
But here’s the thing — I don’t care about my current reality, nor do I fear being wrong. I’ve always been my own prophet, living a life today that I fantasized about just a few years ago. What once felt like a far-fetched dream is now my new normal. And I’m certain that in a few years — whether at 30 or not — this dream of mine will become the new normal, too.
The odds may not be in my favour, but when have they ever been?
Maybe this is my way of making a million dollars: putting it out there, letting the universe — my personal genie — know. I believe it hears me.