Cover up!
Don’t fall for the illusion of warmth
The funny thing about the weather in Finland, especially in winter (the same goes for any cold region, I assume), is that you don’t want to feel cold. You also don’t want to fall for the illusion of warmth; otherwise, you might be tempted to wear loose or minimal clothing. Make no mistake about it — the impact of the weather has little to do with how you feel in the moment. You just might catch a cold.
Once, I felt uneasy with too many clothes on at night, so I took some off to get comfortable. And oh, when I woke up, I still felt fine — except something was wrong. My nose was blocked, and the simple, unconscious breathing had turned into a wheezing contest. Thankfully, there’s always a pack of relief meds at home. That was my saving grace.
So please, my fellow new migrants, cover up! The weather is not smiling at all.